Hiya. so tl;dr i made some accounts on stuff like Twitter and Reddit! gonna be using this account as a more of an archive with some extra info with the drawings.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mystime2
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Mystime
Now for the long version. Hey so you probably noticed my Art section drop numbers. Main reason was because i finally realized that drawing nsfw at 15 is kinda super young and also kinda very freakin' illegal as I'm a minor. So i deleted all of them. don't expect them to come back anytime soon either. Maybe i'll do that stuff again when I'm 18 but that's a long way away so if you were only here for that please leave
I'll be shifting my focus away from just Newgrounds and focusing more on the other 2 websites, since Twitter is more of a casual platform i'll probably post updates or Wips on there so give it a follow if you're interested in that.
Sorry if i caused any issues with the nsfw art, i was dumb and really this was a long time coming, i hope you stick around for some actual art tho.
see you on the flipside!